Saturday, November 14, 2015


Hebrews 10:19-25

Additional Texts to Consider:

Psalm 116:12-19

Jeremiah 31:31-34

Luke 22:7-20


  1. On to the last of the four articles found in our church covenant. In the fourth article "We agree to faithfully attend the appointments and bear the burdens and expenses of the church, according as God may give us severally the ability."

    In short we agree to "go" and "give." We agree to go to church, to its events and to its business meetings. We agree to give of our time, talent and treasure in order to support the work of the church. And we do all of this (and I love this phrase) "as God may give us severally the ability." That means that we will do those things as God equips us to do them, using what we have in a way that honors God while realizing that no one of us will do those things in the same way as his or her fellow members. Our giftings are unique so that the church might have all it needs in order to faithfully execute God's call to go and make disciples.

  2. "What shall I return to the Lord
    for all his goodness to me?"
    (Psalm 116:12)

    The psalmist goes on later in the psalm to talk about some of the things he does in order to honor God, but this is in fact a rhetorical question. The psalmist recognizes that there is nothing he can really do in response to all that God has done. You can't "outgive" God, I've heard it said, and the psalmist recognizes that here. But we can seek to give back at least a portion just the same, whether that is given from the time God has given to us, the financial resources He has blessed us with or the spiritual resources (gifts) He has given us. As we consider how to give back to God by faithfully supporting the covenant community He has formed here, it is good to remember that He gave first, best and most, and that the things we do are merely a response to all that He has done for us.
